Monday, September 29, 2008

We got to the library!

OK my first post isn't going to be very exciting. But that's OK right? I'm testing the waters. We finally got back to the library today and brought back all 49 books that were overdue. It's hard for me to be motivated to go very often because there are no fines, and my kids get so many books every time, it gets them through a good month or so. I'm just proud of myself that we made it there at all. The librarian guy always seems to look cranky when we come in. I wonder why? Today he did a nice little demonstration for my kids on what "not to do" with library books illustrated completely with examples of books we had just brought back. Sigh. But we FOUND all the books and brought them ALL (OK, I forgot we'd gotten a movie too last time, he had to renew it --so graciously). I miss the older lady that used to be there. She thought I was mother of the year for just getting books. I'm not this guy's favorite person.


Kelli said...

wahoo, I'm the first to comment. I'm just proud of you that you go to the library!! and everything else that you do!
Blogging is fun! Way to go.

belann said...

I say yea!!! for the library. Keep on going. I love you.
