Sunday, April 17, 2016

Easter, a birthday, and an art show.

 We did the traditional Easter egg hunt at my parent's house this year. I'm so glad at least my brother Gavin hasn't left Utah. It's so nice for my kids to have these little cousins to help them channel their younger selves on these occasions. Tia felt like she couldn't in good conscience hunt for eggs at her age, so she was the hiding bunny. But my other two ran for it with their littler friends!

 Still excited and always enthusiastic. That's my Ari!

 Isn't this little guy too cute for words? Not you Gav.

 Is my Dad helping? Or guarding his tilled garden rows?

 Maggie got quite a haul!

 Ari's actually putting some of hers in --not stealing candy from a baby. I promise.

 I think Bubby was the winner though for most.
 I love these smiles!

 Being bunny didn't keep Tia from begging a bit for some shares. I just grabbed!
 For Tia's birthday she wanted us to go through the new Provo Temple Open house. We got tickets maybe a month in advance to make this happen. 

 It was so beautiful inside! But they allow no pictures, so we took a few when we came out. For inside pictures go here.

 I'd gotten together a big, multilayer strawberry shortcake cake for my girl for after, and sneakily invited three of her friends over to eat it with us.

Luckily they all could make it. It was a good birthday for her I hope.

 For a school assignment in AP studio art, Tia had to hold her own art show. She had to produce 20-30 art pieces on a theme, and schedule a building and everything. I was so proud of her!
 She did kind of an architecture around the world thing. 

 At the show, she advertised an art-a-thon she was going to hold to raise money for her humanitarian trip to Madagascar this summer. She ended up sitting and doing watercolor art for 7 hours straight, and people pledged per hour, or made donations. She gave out prints of the art she did (well actually they are still sitting by our back door to deliver) to the pledging people based on what they contributed. Here is the link to the art she made there.

But my parent's favorite was this one. 


belann said...

I'm so glad you are recording all of these events. They pass so quickly; it's nice to have a record.

Gavin said...

Alex is definitely cuter than me.

CowanTravels said...

Haha! Gavin is cute too! Tia's art is amazing, she is very talented. That temple is quite a beautiful building!